Self Compassion
Have you ever felt like you’re not enough?
Not thin enough, pretty enough, desirable enough, fit enough?
My guess is you have, and I’m here to tell you: You are enough.
Society doesn’t want us to feel like we are enough. Many businesses don’t want us to feel like we are enough. After all, it’s a lot harder to sell products to women when we already feel whole, worthy, beautiful.
But you are all these things and more. And it’s my calling to help you believe it.

Three years ago I said “ENOUGH!”
I used to obsess over how my body looked - often on a diet or doing a fitness challenge. No matter how much weight I lost or how many challenges I completed, it never felt like enough.
I stayed in this cycle until 3 years ago, when I just couldn’t do it any longer. I checked into an eating disorder centre and my life took a 180-degree turn.
For the first time I was learning about self-compassion. I began healing my relationship with food and my body.
Since then, my purpose has been clear: to help more women fully accept themselves as they are right now. Because self-love should be unconditional.